


Sons of Norway - International - mission is to 'promote and to preserve the heritage and culture of Norway'

Sons of Norway District 4 - District 4: Alberta, Montana, North Dakota and Saskatchewan

Lodge Map - find your lodge/click on Alberta! - 

Zone 4 Lodges/District 4 - 

Valhalla Lodge 4-341, Calgary - and

Solsyd Lodge 4-603, Lethbridge -

Viking Cultural Centre in conjunction with Northern Lights Lodge #4-493, Grande Prairie -

Sons of Norway, District 7 - British Columbia - 

Sons of Norway Foundation in Canada - SONFIC.CA, charitable organization promote/provides bursaries, cultural grants, sports grants, memorials and legacies



Solglyt Newsletter - Nov. & Dec. 2024

Solglyt Newsletter - Sept. & Oct. 2024

Solglyt Newsletter May-June 2024

Solglyt Newsletter - Jan. & Feb. 2024

Solglyt Nov. & Dec. 2023 Newsletter


Scandinavian Studies Association - Edmonton - The Scandinavian Studies Association (SSA) is a registered non-profit society with a close-working relationship with the University of Alberta; specifically, Scandinavian Studies within the Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies.

Scandinavian Seniors - Wed. @ 1:00 - board games and cards; lunch @ 2:30 - Contact Don Sjoberg at 780.249.4460 or by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for calendar details. (spring hiatus)

Edmonton Scandinavian Centre Association - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • a non-profit society made up of members from The Finnish Society of Edmonton, Danish Canadian Society – Dania, Icelandic Canadian Club of Edmonton, Sons of Norway Solglyt Lodge 4-143 and VASA Order of America Skandia Lodge No. 549 (no physical location)

Scandinavian Heritage Society of Edmonton -

  • presents the Scandinavian community's pavilion at Edmonton's annual Heritage Festival
  • this site has links to Edmonton area societies for Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden

Trollhaugen Language Arts and Culture Camp - Deer Valley Meadows, Alix, AB

  • a multigenerational summer camp formed to promote and preserve Norwegian heritage through history, crafts, traditional skills and culture classes; and all things Scandinavian

 Torskeklubben of Edmonton  - Facebook and

  • a non-profit club with Norwegian roots that meets monthly for a meal of torsk (cod), a sample of Aquavit, and fellowship

Dancing?  Valhalla Scandinavian Adult Folk Dancers:  Thursdays, King Edward Academy, 8525 - 101 St., Edm. Small Gym @ 7:00-9:00 p.m. - no charge. Entrance - north side in the parking lot, knock HARD if door locked. Contact Tim: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Valhalla Scandinavian Junior Folk Dancers - Hosanna Church

  • Contact - Heidi Mapstone  780-914-4636 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Do you know of a child or youth interested in learning traditional Scandinavian Folk dances? 

Norwegian Laft Hus - Red Deer "...a small museum operated by the Norwegian Laft Hus Society that is dedicated to preserving and interpreting the culture of Norwegian-Canadians."  


Lefse House - 'An Authentic Scandinavian Bakery' - Camrose

Ocean Odyssey Inland - Fresh Fish Weekly -

Ski Queen Gjetost - try Sunterra, IGA, Superstores.  Other cheeses: Dutch Delicious Bakery

Linie Aquavit - try Aligra - 

or Sherbrooke Liquor -

Lutefisk - Catch of the Week -

National and International

Royal Norwegian Embassy in Canada  


  • a Norwegian site with modern design elements and specializing in traditional bunad costumes and accessories
  • for a visual display, please visit and do a search for “bunad” “costumes” – this site will show examples of a wide variety of the Scandinavian traditional costumes

Missing Norway? Click for a selection of blogs and websites  Norwegian Blogs & Websites

Discovery Norway -  - This professionally developed comprehensive tourism site will link you to all things Norwegian, for example:

Norwegian culture, in addition to our Culture page: and

Miscellaneous Links - to be determined

Authentic Norwegian jewellery from Kautokeino, Norway -

Insurance: Sons of Norway: Canadians cannot buy insurance from Sons of Norway unless it is purchased in the US, example: they attend a Sons of Norway Convention in the US.




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